Triedstone Full Gospel


On behalf of your Triedstone Church family, I extend a warm greeting to our new members and those touring our website.   In the purest sense, Triedstone Church is, “A Church for all People” and as such it is your house of prayer, praise and worship. I truly believe that our relationship represents a divine partnership ordained by God expressly for the purpose of manifesting His, “will be done in earth, as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10).

Because it is not uncommon for new members to experience a certain level of uncertainty with adjusting to their Christian walk or the church environment you should receive a membership handbook, recording of the worship service and be assigned a mentor.   Our mentors are seasoned leaders committed to assisting you by answering questions and offering insight. With a dispositon of friendliness they may call you with an invitation to our many teaching and fellowship events to ensure that we stay connected.

As you become acclimated to Triedstone, you will discover that in addition constant prayer, evangelizing as a lifestyle and relevant Christian education, we offer a host of community resources to address the physical and social needs of people. We welcome you to partake in those resources and/or get involved with one of the many ministries or auxiliaries that support our mission.

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